We all want our kids to be happy and confident.

With the increasing pressures faced by children today, this can be challenging to achieve.
Research and statistics indicate that children are more stressed, busier, and emotionally stretched than ever. 

Parenting, along with financial, career, personal health and wellbeing stresses can create a catalyst where something has to change.

Tap Happy supports teachers and parents by giving them strategies to incorporate into their own lives, which in turn, will flow on to those in their care.

Tap Happy offers a number of simple and easy to implement programs for schools, families, health care providers and those seeking a greater sense of wellbeing.

Recent years have highlighted the need for us all to have tools that can assist us in dealing with life stressors and give us the emotional freedom we all deserve.

The past year with the challenges that COVID presented have highlighted the need for us all to have tools that can assist us in dealing with life stresses and give us the emotional freedom we all deserve.


Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), is a fast and simple evidence-based self-help tool.  
Combining ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology, this technique helps to achieve freedom from
emotional issues that are creating stress, and preventing us from leading happy and fulfilled lives.

Tapping can be used to address:

● Anxiety
● School refusal
● Separation anxiety
● Friendship issues
● Self-esteem issues
● Clearing limiting beliefs
● Coping with new experiences
● Anger management
● Building resilience
● Exam worries
● Bullying
and more.


Tapping is easy to learn, teach, and implement. It is self administered, and involves using the fingers
to tap on a set of specific acupressure points on the body.  This tapping action sends a calming message
to the amygdala (the fight, flight or freeze centre of the brain), which leads to soothed emotions, allowing
the “Tapper” to approach the issue at hand from a more centred and mindful perspective.  


Tap Happy brings Tapping into the school setting to support staff and students alike.
Through teacher training sessions and classroom implementation support, this simple, science-backed
technique equips teachers and Learning Support Officers with a tool that can be applied to any
challenging or stressful situation in their own lives and in those of the children they care for.
Just a few minutes each day will positively impact teacher stress levels and a student’s emotional resilience and ability to learn.

Tootsie the Tapping Fairy loves to help primary school students learn Magic Tapping!

Why Do We Need Tapping In Our Schools?

Check out the following demonstration of Tapping being used in a school setting:           

Learn more from this study into EFT for primary school students:
The Tapping Project: introducing Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to reduce anxiety and improve wellbeing in primary school students

Lambert, M. T. (Author). May 2020
Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – CDU