I personally found the EFT workshop a great way to be introduced to Tapping. I loved how both Theresa and Jo shared how Tapping had changed their lives, and how their journey brought them together – it was a great way to allow everyone to feel comfortable and relax. Although it was a group session we were all still able to work on ourselves (without having to open up to all what we were wanting to let go of) and learn the tools to be able to take away and do the tapping privately, in our own time.
In my personal sessions, I have been able to let go of so many emotions attached to vulnerable times in my life that were still affecting me as an adult and holding me back. I could bring up my personal issues without ever feeling like I was being judged. It’s a safe and peaceful setting allowing you to let go completely. These sessions have allowed me to go back to times in my life that were extremely challenging and traumatic. These private sessions are guided and aided by Theresa or Jo and have incredibly healed my heart, mind and physical ailments. I just couldn’t believe it! I’m so thankful to be able to use these tools to further help myself and my children too.
Thank you for sharing your passion and knowledge.
Hi, I am 65 years old and 3 years ago I left my marriage after 42 years. I was very stressed and anxious, not sleeping and comfort eating, which resulted in weight gain. After speaking with Joanne from Tap Happy I decided to join their 4 week workshop. I will admit I was very sceptical at the time. The first class was about stress and anxiety. I slept extremely well that night. I found the heart breathing to be very relaxing and have even found myself drifting off whilst relaxing and breathing calmly. I continued with the next 3 workshop evenings and each time could feel myself relaxing more. I also suffer from severe back pain (having physio every 4 weeks and dry needles) especially after gardening which I love to do. After the 2nd workshop on physical and emotional pain my back pain has been markedly less. Even after mowing a 1/4 acre block I had no pain and the very little pain I had, I sat and tapped and by bed time it had gone with no medication. I have recommended tapping to my boss and she has commented that she feels it has helped her as well. Thankyou to Joanne and Theresa for introducing this medication free way of thinking.
Sharon B.
About eighteen months ago I underwent a major life changing health crisis. I had experienced a positive outcome with tapping several years prior and decided that it may help me through this period in my life. Initially I worked with Jo who was both incredibly understanding and supportive during this difficult time. Jo taught me several techniques to help me cope with both the physical and emotional trauma I was enduring. Jo also did some matrix reimprinting work with me to resolve some other deep emotional issues I was holding onto. The relief you feel after one of these sessions is one that has to be experienced to believe.
I recently also completed a four week workshop (1 hour per week) with Tap Happy. Jo and Theresa ensured this was a supportive process where you feel free to contribute as much or as little as you are comfortable with. The workshop was very enjoyable and I was introduced to some further ways Tapping can be incorporated into your everyday life. We were also supplied with some helpful links and sent recordings we could use for practice at home. The process of Tapping itself is an easy technique to learn for any age and also simple to incorporate into your daily routine. I would highly recommend both Jo and Theresa as Tapping Practitioners.
Julie F
Having recently completed Jo and Theresa’s four week EFT Tapping workshop, I’ve come to understand how beneficial the practice can be to both physical and emotional health.
All the workshops were informative and enjoyable, and I have found that practising this scientifically proven technique has helped me to relax and deal with anxiety.
Tapping is a great tool, accessible to everybody and easy to learn.
Highly recommended.
Therese I
I recently attended Tap Happy’s online Tapping Workshop. I found these workshops to be enjoyable, relaxing and most informative. The sessions covered tapping on physical and emotional pain, anxiety, self confidence and abundance. I particularly found that tapping to help with my self confidence to be extremely effective. Thank you Jo and Theresa. I look forward to using the techniques that you have taught me as part of my daily routine. I feel that tapping is a tool that can benefit us all in some way.
Lisa T
I attended a Tap Happy workshop. I found the information given, demonstrations shown very useful and practical to apply. I have utilised Tapping for pain, stiffness, anxiety and fatigue since the workshop. I find it a beneficial tool to help tackle issues that I have when they arise.
Jo F
I didn’t know what to expect before attending my very first introduction to Tapping. I was pleasantly surprised at how useful the technique is for pain management and stress relief. I also loved the learning environment which was practical and the instructors were welcoming and empathic to all. I regularly use Tapping to manage pain from an old injury as well as manage anxiety. I throughly recommend to all.
Kylie Ann C
A big thanks to Jo and Theresa from Tap Happy. I very much enjoyed your online course. The knowledge, warmth, compassion and good humour of the well put together sessions created a positive learning environment. I will definitely be using tapping (or as I now know – Emotional Freedom Techniques – EFT) as one of my stress management tools.
Annette F
Life changing, informative and engaging is how I would describe my tap happy workshop experience. A small intimate gathering with Jo & Theresa sharing informative facts & amazing success stories on how this technique can make a difference to our wellbeing. You walk away with enough information to commence the technique yourself or you can explore further with personal consultations to address some specific challenges that may prevent you from being the best you
Katrina O
The Tapping workshop I attended with Jo and Theresa from Tap Happy was detailed, easy to understand and clearly demonstrated how tapping could be put into practice to help relieve a variety of issues. I was made to feel comfortable and in a safe environment to share challenges and practice the tapping technique. I have since found that tapping is the key to completely calming down my anxiety. To know that with a few rounds of tapping I can completely settle is so empowering. I highly recommend Theresa and Jo’s workshop. I am so grateful to be able to experience the benefits of tapping and to think that it is literally at the end of your fingertips is awesome!
My daughter has always been anxious about school and also, new people and places. I had heard great things about tapping through social media and was interested to give it a try to see whether it would help relieve some of the distress associated with returning to school after the holidays. Jo immediately made me and my daughter feel comfortable and at ease. My daughter usually takes some time to feel comfortable in a new situation but within minutes she was talking openly with Jo about how she was feeling and participated fully in the tapping session. The story was very engaging and explained the process that Jo would be following at her level in an age appropriate way and the subsequent tapping was simple and easy to follow. That night my daughter went straight to bed and had a great nights sleep, whereas previously she would have been very distressed the night before returning to school after the holidays, getting up numerous times with worries about what was to come the following day. Jo followed up the session with an in-depth email explaining how we can continue tapping at home and we would love to work with her again on some other challenges in the future.
Huge thanks.
Denise, Parent of Millie (age 8)

Whenever I get worried, I always know I can rely on Tapping. If you have anxiety or not, you should learn Tapping because it really calms your body in any situation. If I get worried, tapping is the first strategy I go to stay calm so I don’t need any help from others. Tapping lets me be responsible for my own feelings and in control of my body. I feel that everyone should learn how to tap and know their feelings better.
Alexis (age 10)

I went to tapping because I was having some friendship issues. It helped me to not feel so tense and upset at school. I could use tapping at any time to let go of any worries. Tapping is very helpful and can be used for anything for example I have used it for friendship issues, headaches or even nerves and it made me feel a lot calmer and safer.
Mrs Virgona [Theresa] was great at helping me learn tapping because she is so comforting and respectful, whatever the problem is Mrs Virgona can help you. Tapping helped me through tough times and I hope that it can help others as much as it helped me.
Olivia (age 10)
I went to Theresa for Tapping with my 10 y/o daughter who was having some friendship issues at school that were making her feel a little anxious about being at school and not her normal bubbly, happy self.
Theresa was able to help her work through exactly what was bothering her and how she was feeling in relation to her friends and how to manage her feelings.
The next day her teacher came to me and told me that she was back to herself. She was happy and bubbly in class again and she could physically see she was more relaxed and eager to learn. She had let go of the stresses that were bothering her.
The tapping technique was easy for her to understand and use. With Theresa’s help she was able to work with some positive thoughts and phrases. She was eager to do a round of tapping before bed each night and is now happy to use it whenever she is anxious, worried about something or just feeling a little tired and flat. (She’ll even do it discreetly in class or at a friend’s house.)
Theresa is very professional. She has such a calming nature and is so good with children. She was able to make Olivia feel comfortable and relaxed and she enjoyed her tapping sessions with her.
Amanda, parent of Olivia (age 10)

I started having a few sessions with Jo and she started by telling me her story about fairies and Tapping. She always asked me “What colour do you feel?” and also “What shape do you feel?” I also gave a score from one to ten, ten is bad and one is good. She also asked how I would feel about certain things and if my number was higher than a five, we would tap on it. The tapping would always change my number. For example, a five would go to a three.
Jo has helped me to overcome my fears, like strangers and being in the dark and all other kinds of stuff. But most importantly she makes me feel CONFIDENT!
Maisie (age 8)
My daughter is 8 years old and has been clinically diagnosed with anxiety. Thinking back over the years, it was evident that she suffered from anxiety even as a baby. I quickly learned that there was no point trying to ‘change’ her or even trying to ‘cure’ her, the anxiety was real, and it wasn’t going anywhere. Instead, I focused on finding ways to help her understand why she felt the way she did and tried to give her as many tools as possible to help her manage it when it flared up.
She has had many sessions with a psychologist both at school and privately. This helped her to understand what it was and how the brain worked when she was anxious. Once she got a good understanding about it, the psychologists were no longer helpful because we didn’t know when and where she was going to feel anxious, so they couldn’t prepare her for an incident that hadn’t happened yet.
I have always been open minded about trying different methods to give her more tools to cope by herself. As she gets older, I am not always there to hold her hand.
A friend mentioned Tapping with Joanne Barker. I had never heard of it! She said I should give it a try, so we did! We live in regional Victoria, so Joanne was happy to do the sessions via Skype. Joanne was very professional and built a rapport with my daughter within minutes. She explained what Tapping was and how it works and then we began to do some Tapping exercises together.
After one session, my daughter was using this technique the next day. We did a few exercises together, but she also used the tools at the school to keep her ‘mind’ calm. I have found that this technique is perfect for keeping the mind calm. It’s hard to stop a racing mind but the Tapping does exactly that! We have since had more sessions with Jo and I would highly recommend Tapping to others. It’s hard for a mother to see their child so worked up over the smallest of things, its so helpful for us and the child to have a tool to use to bring calm back into the child.
Thank you, Joanne, for all your help. Tapping is quick and easy to learn, it is a technique that should be introduced to children of all ages. With so many families being rushed and stressed, I think anyone could benefit from it…. even us as parents.
Emily van der Walt, Parent of Maisie (age 8) San Remo , VIC

Tapping really helped me to calm down when I worry about things like spiders, friends and gluten. The teddy bear, Mrs Virgona [Theresa] gave, helped me to remember the places I need to tap. I have taught my little sister how to tap and sometimes we do it togther.
Matteo (age 8)
Thank you Theresa for equipping us with simple techniques to cope with my son’s anxiety. The sessions that are designed for both parent and child, were very informative and clear. Your experience, professionalism and passion are the reasons Tapping has been very effective for my son.
Tatiana, parent of Matteo (age 8)

Tapping has helped me to worry a little less about things that I am unsure about. It took me a few goes at Tapping before I was able to do it on my own. If I find myself in a situation that I am worried about I can tap on my fingers to help me feel better about it.
Emily (age 13)
Tapping was a new concept to myself and my family. One that we knew very little about. When you suggested we try tapping to help with Emily’s anxiety about her school testing I was excited to see how she would respond as she has always been an anxious child. I remember her leaving for school that morning without her mentioning the testing and when I asked her about it at the end of the day her response was, “It went really well”. She showed none of her usual signs of anxiety before or after the event. I loved that you provided her with the tapping skills that she could use herself whenever she felt the need.
Thank you.
Teresa, Parent of Emily (age 13)

After learning the tapping process with Jo, I frequently use it in my everyday life. It has helped me reduce my stress and anxiety as well as help me clear and progress past events that have affected me. It is easy to use and adapt and I am amazed at how positive it makes you feel afterwards.
Jo was a great ‘tapping teacher’. She helped me work through areas of anxiety in a kind and supportive way and assisted me to understand how to use tapping in my everyday life.
Adrianna, School Teacher

Dear Theresa,
Thank you for introducing me to Emotional Freedom Technique and assisting me with working through my personal conflicts. Overall, I feel that I am calmer and have a greater degree of confidence when dealing with difficult family situations. I am also sleeping longer! Your gentle approach and non-judgmental manner made it easier for me to open up and approach EFT with a willingness to move forward. I am so very pleased I came to see you. After two sessions I felt instant relief from the rhythm of tapping and the words I would quietly say to myself. I appreciate that you were able to stay focused on my issues and assist me in remembering something from my past which had reignited unpleasant memories for me.
What I am especially grateful to you for is that, I am in control of my emotional healing now and do not feel the need to rely on any form of medication.
Thanks again.

I was stuck in a space where my self belief was limiting my ability to reach my personal and professional goals. When I worked with Jo, I was already familiar with aspects of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), having some success with another practitioner. I was struck by Jo’s professionalism, her knowledge, her level of accreditation and her support and empathy. The change in perspective and emotional shift I experienced through working with Jo have allowed me to move forward with my career, my long term goals and my personal life. I am a very satisfied client. If you are stuck, as I was, I recommend working with Jo.
Annette F

I had been feeling not quite right for a while, and since I had been at my job for 12 years, I just thought it was that I needed a change. Soon after finding another job and starting there, I had a complete breakdown. I felt like something was broken inside, and I was also suffering from anxiety.
I had seen a psychologist, which had no effect to my mental state. My wife had done some Tapping in the past which had helped her, so she suggested I give it a try. I was quite apprehensive at the start, but thought it couldn’t hurt.
After having a few sessions with Jo I’m now feeling less anxious, and the issues that came up from my past are now sorted, leaving me a happier, less broken, more confident feeling person.
The Tapping skills I’ve learned in these sessions gives me the confidence I need that if I have any issues in the future, I can tap them away.
Massive Thanks
Steve (age 38)

I recently visit Jo with my 9 year old son Jake who has ADD, Sensory Processing and Anxiety. We have tried a lot of methods to help him feel more relaxed, calmer and be able to learn in the classroom.
I had read a bit about Tapping and also seen videos of people doing it, so when I saw Jo was offering sessions I thought I would try it for my son.
My son who is very anxious in new situations and takes a while to trust and warm up to a person was comfortable with Jo in about 5 minutes after being there. Jo comes across as a very calm, kind person, which made my son automatically trust her. The room was very welcoming and also a very relaxing environment.
Jo explained the Tapping to Jake, and made sure he understood and allowed him time to understand and process information. She provided a picture of the Tapping points and went through them with him before starting. We then went through the Tapping slowly, and Jake followed along with Jo. After a couple of tries he was able to do it and I could see the instant calming effective it had on him. He was relaxed and happy.
On the way home we chatted about Tapping and he said he really enjoyed it and found it relaxed him. We haven’t been strict at home doing it everyday but we have been Tapping on a regular basis when anxiety is high, and it has really been able to bring his emotions back down and come back to a relaxed state.
All in we have loved it and the calmness it has brought to my son. Definitely if you have a child who has trouble with anxiety or trouble with their emotions, this is definitely worth a try. It’s easy to learn and can be incorporated in to your life quite easily, and doesn’t take a lot of time. Jo has been fantastic and has followed up to see how we have been going and offers any support you need.
Kristy, Parent of Jake (age 8)